Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thoughts on Aging (not original to me)

Bennett Cerf was a publisher and co-founder of Random House.  He also liked to put together compilations of humor.  Granted, since these were published in the 1950's, some of the humor and jokes are very dated.  However, now and again, you find something worth pondering.  (Note:  I'm not sure if I'm repeating a former entry, but if I am -- so what!  It's my blog after all.  Plus, it's worth repeating.)

So here's the good thought on aging:

"Feeling old and discouraged?  The snap of youth gone from your stride?  Look over these statistics compiled by an agency pushing old-age annuity policies and take heart:  Between the ages of 75 and 83 Commodore Vanderbilt added 100 million dollars to his fortune.  Kant wrote his philosophical masterpiece at 74.  Tintoretto painted his biggest and most famous canvas when he was 75.  Verdi was 85 when he wrote Ave Maria.  Cato decided to study Greek when he was 80.  Goethe was also 80 when he finished Faust.  And -- listen to this! -- Titian painted his historic 'The Battle of Lepanto' when he was exactly 98!

Sun shining a bit brighter?"
