Monday, April 30, 2012

Administrative Assistants' Day

Last week was Administrative Assistants Day.  Or perhaps Administrative Professionals' Day.  In any case, I got a lovely arrangement of lilies from my boss.  (Sorry, boss, I didn't get a photo of it!)

I also got a very cute potted plant called a Godetia from other coworkers.  I had never heard of it before, but it's currently sitting on my front porch and is blooming like crazy.  I do have a photo of that.


Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Week Ups & Downs

Earlier this week, we had snow.  SNOW! 

A front went through on Monday.  It brought in clouds and the possibility of rain.  Hooray!  We're still in a drought and any moisture is welcome. 

Tuesday morning I got up and looked out the window.  It was snowing.  Say what?  I'd say I got about 1/2 to 1 inch at my house.  Heavy, wet snow.  I was hoping that work would allow us to come in on a delayed basis.  No such luck.

Fortunately the snow ended around mid-morning.  By afternoon, the temperature had warmed up enough that most of the snow had melted by the time I got home.

On Wednesday the temperature warmed up a bit more and the rest of the snow melted.  Things have continued to warm up since then and it's been rather lovely.  Not too hot, not too cold.

This morning (Good Friday) I saw my own Easter bunny (sort of - a Good Friday bunny?).  No eggs.  No candy.  But the cutest little bunny hopped into my yard.  He (she?) didn't look full-grown.  More of a teenage bunny.  (Unfortunately, my camera was in the car and there was no way that rabbit was going to let me get my camera and take his/her photo.)  It did allow me to watch while it gave its face a morning wash.  Cute as can be.  After a while, it hopped off to who knows where.  A fun way to start the morning.
