Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cesar the cat

I've decided to call the new cat Cesar.  It can be pronounced either SEE-zar or SAY-zar.  I tend to lean more towards SEE-zar.

We went to the vet today.  I knew Cesar was a hefty cat.  It turns out he weighs - wait for it - 13 pounds.  Yep.  He's not a huge eater.  More of a nibbler.  He still weighs 13 pounds.  And he is solidly built, rather like a furry rectangle with legs.

The only problem spotted was conjunctivitis in his right eye.  I noticed he's been only partially opening it.  I now get to put drops in his eye several times a day for at least a week.  What fun!

He doesn't seem to be much of a player.  He was indifferent to a number of toys left over from Oscar's era.  So, of course, I went out and bought more.  More - meh.  I bought a flat scratching post that has toys inside.  He likes to sit on it and sharpen his claws.  Has he played with the interior toys?  Nope.

I did buy him a collar with a bell.  Although he's less clingy than he was yesterday, he still likes to follow me around.  The bell helps me keep track of him.  It's a pretty blue, the color of his eyes.


Friday, June 26, 2015

The newest member of the family

For 16+ years I lived with Oscar, the cat.  His kidneys were failing and I had to have him put to sleep in December, 2014.

So, I decided to adopt another cat.
There were two reasons - one, I was missing having a cat (not all the time, but quite often).  Two, I've been noticing evidence that I might have a mouse in the house.  Not good.  With that, I decided to head off to a local pet adoption event.

There I found Siwa, a 5 year-old Siamese flame point.  We're still getting to know each other and have been doing a lot of lounging around the house this afternoon.  I'm not entirely reconciled to his name.  I looked it up and it's the name of an oasis in Egypt.  It just sounds a bit twee as a cat's name.

There's stuff I'm still getting used to.  I was startled at his drinking habits.  He's capable of drinking from his water bowl like a regular cat.  However, he also likes to drag his paw through the water and lick the water off it.
He's been kinda stand-offish for most of the afternoon.  I can't say I'm surprised.  One habit that does startle me is when I walk around the house.  He follows me almost like a dog and demands attention.  It's kinda weird because he'll sort of ignore me - until I start walking, then I'm his best buddy.

I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow for a wellness check.  I think he's a bit overweight, but will see what the vet says.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

More odd weather

As mentioned in earlier posts, Albuquerque is officially high desert.  That means we do get rain, but not just in large amounts.

July and August are considered to be 'the rainy season'.  June is normally considered to be the 'dry' summer month.

Which made yesterday's weather both surprising and welcome.

I'd noticed clouds moving in for most of the afternoon.  And then I heard the thunder.  Yippee!
Later on, I noticed it was raining.
More yippee!

The forecast doesn't look promising for the rest of the week, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
