Sunday, September 27, 2015

Getting my creativity groove back

For the longest time, I've done VERY LITTLE in the way of crafts.  I just had no creative energy at all.  I've been waiting for it to come back.  And waiting.

Finally I decided to take the advice of Jack London (American author), who said -- You can't wait for inspiration.  You have to go after it with a club.

I decided to start with a project from my quilt group.  We had a packet of batik fabric fat eighths.  We could use those fabrics plus a couple more non-packet fabrics.  We could make anything we wanted - in any size we want.  It also had to include a pieced star.

I have a book of paper-pieced blocks - 50 star blocks/1 for each of the US states.  I chose the block labeled Maine.  Here's my first one - done this afternoon while switching back and forth between football and NASCAR.

Since the packets and fat eighths aren't providing a TON of available fabrics.  If I can stretch things enough, I'm thinking I'll make 5 more blocks and put some sashing around each one and make myself either a small wallhanging or a runner for the dining room table.

Cesar 'helped' for a while.  Inspected my sewing machine.  Laid on fabric so it wouldn't float away.  That sort of thing.  After a while he decided he done more than enough and expended too much energy.

I'm off to see if I can see the lunar eclipse.  I looked earlier but I think my view was blocked by neighboring houses.


Friday, September 4, 2015

"Up In The Clouds?"

For the longest time, I thought Cesar was a 'shrub' cat.  One who liked to be low down.  For example, he took a nap wedged under a chair on the floor.

So imagine my surprise to find his new favorite nap place is about 6.5 to 7 feet off the ground on top of a bookcase.

Of course, to get up and down, he has to use a shorter bookcase and knock a few books off onto the floor.

The things we do for our pets.  ;)
