Monday, February 28, 2011

Wascally Wabbit

Although Albuquerque is NM's largest metropolitan area, there is enough open space in and around the area to support local wildlife.  In my neighborhood I've seen coyotes, roadrunners, and quail.

We also have a couple of wild rabbits.  During our last significant snow, I saw tracks that looked like one of the rabbits had done a couple of laps around my house.

In my front yard, I have a large pine tree.  It's taller than the house and is fairly full-bodied.  One of the local rabbits has discovered that the tree makes a relatively safe place to hang out and chill.


It's actually a pretty good place when you think about it.  The rabbit's got its butt up against the trunk of the tree so nothing can nab it from behind.  The tree's branches go all the way to the ground so they offer a modicum of camouflage and protection without obstructing the view.  I've got several tall and thick shrubs nearby so if something gets too close, the rabbit has just a short sprint to even better concealment.

The rabbit doesn't spend every day under the tree.  As a matter of fact, I haven't seen it lately, but I just figured it was hanging out in a nice warm burrow due to all the very cold and/or windy weather we've had lately. 

In any case, it's always fun to check out the tree on my way to or from the car or mailbox.  If the rabbit's there, I say hello.


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