Friday, March 25, 2011

Bummer - An Update

The plumbing in my home is now fixed and well insulated and working.  Hooray!

It's nice to know that the next time the temperatures drop below freezing, I don't have to worry that the pipes leading to my bathroom fixtures will freeze as well.

I also can stop worrying that a new leak could pop up at any time, especially in light of having 25+ year-old poly-butylene (sp?) pipes. 

Plus I have several small projects that had been needing to be done that were taken care of as part of the re-piping project - like new water connections for the washer/dryer.

All in all, a good ending to a bad episode.  Now I get to spend the weekend with an open trench in the front yard and several openings in the walls where the new pipes were threaded in.  They can't be closed up until the City of Rio Rancho sends somebody out to inspect the work.  But it's OK, I can live with that.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Less Bummed

Well, the plumbers showed up today.  The work is about 90% finished and I am now back to having water available.  So VERY nice!

I called the insurance company and they might pay for a portion of the work.  Because what I'm doing is considered preventative, the insurance company is not willing to pay for everything.  I got an estimate from the plumber showing what would have been the costs if I had chosen to just repair the leak and then held my breath for the next umpteen years waiting for the next leak to bust loose.

I'll be sending the estimate to the insurance company and then we'll see what they decide to pay.  Keeping my fingers crossed!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'm sitting here at 11:30 PM and feeling rather bummed out.

I'd been having a fairly normal day.  No big deals.  No problems.

I was in the bathroom around 6:30 PM & it was dry as a bone.  Then, around 7:15 PM I walked into the bathroom and started splashing as I walked.  PROBLEM!  By the time I noticed it, the water was about 1/8th inch deep in the bathroom and was headed down the hallway.

I put a bunch of sponges down to try & stem the flow & sprinted over to my neighbor (a handyman kind of guy) to ask if he could help me shut off the main valve at the meter.  Believe it or not, he actually has one of those wand tools that is designed to shut off the valve with a minimum of fuss.  Which he did.  I then went back inside to start mopping things up and also to call a plumber.

I tried calling the plumber I'd used on the past 2 plumbing problems.  I discovered they don't have 24 hour emergency service.  Since I didn't notice the leak until well after 5:00 PM, they were out of the equation.  Having seen a RotoRooter truck doing work at a couple of houses down the street after February's freeze, I called them.  The supervisor said all their work crews were booked for the evening and suggested I call someone else.  I then called a plumbing firm that I'd used several years ago for a small leak at the T-joint behind the kitchen sink.  They'd done good work then, so decided to use them again.

They had a crews out on several jobs but said they could get someone out if I didn't mind waiting.  I said OK.  A tech called around 9:15 PM and said he was finishing up a job and could be at my house in 45 minutes.  I said OK and then sprinted down the hill to Walmart to use their bathroom.  Thank goodness for stores that are open 24 hours a day!

Side note:  when you ask people a question, why do they give you an answer and then say - oh, but you might want to disregard what I just told you?  When I walked into Walmart I asked the employee near the door where their restrooms were.  He pointed to one near the front of the store.  Then he said - but you probably won't want to use THAT bathroom since they called for housekeeping to clean it and nobody's been in in yet.  Sigh.  He then said there were bathrooms at the back of the store.  Why not just say - the bathrooms at the front of the store are out of commission so you should just head to the back?

In any case, the plumber showed up around 10:00 PM.  I was hoping it was something small.  It wasn't.  It was coming from under the slab.  Sigh.  The plumber gave me two options.  He could fix the leak which would involve jackhammering through the slab.  Unfortunately, I could expect more leaks in the future since I have that poly-whatever piping which has been discredited in recent years.  This is also the fourth leak I've had to fix in the past however many years - including one several years ago which did require jackhammering through the slab.

I decided to go for Plan B.  This would be re-piping the house.  (Although the price is about what I expected, I do have room on my credit card - thank goodness.)  The plumber did a whole lot of explaining what would be involved.  Interestingly - there will be no jackhammering.  What they will do is replace the water line from the meter to the house.  They will then run a pipe inside the wall up to the crawl space and then run the pipe over to the area of the house where my pipes are located.  (Note:  I have one bathroom.  It and the laundry area and the kitchen area are all located in one area of the house.  This makes it easier to do the work).  They will then replace all poly-whatever pipes in the work area.  In addition, they're replacing all the turn-on/turn off fittings.  Plus they will put a main turn-off valve inside the house so in case of future leaks I can sprint into my bedroom and turn things off instead of sprinting out into the front yard.  Much nicer.  Plus, I've had a few turn on/turn off fittings that really need to be replaced.  These will be replaced as part of the work.  Oh, and they will also be putting some insulation in so I won't have to worry as much in the future.  (The builder put NO, absolutely NONE, insulation in the area where the pipes are located.  Was this stupid or what.  Cheap jerks.)  I decided to go with this plan since I'm still 'between jobs' and I might as well take the time to do it now instead of worrying that when I get a job - I'd come home one day to a flooded home due to yet another leak.

The plumber said he could have someone out to start the work tomorrow morning - around 9:00 AM or so.  The job should take about 1 1/2 days.  The plumber said he'd guarantee that by the end of day one I will have toilet use.  Day two should be involved with insulating the pipe area.  (Another good note - the price I was quoted is the final price - the plumber guaranteed I would not be hit with any surprise 'extras'.)

After the plumber left, I went back down the hill to Walmart.  I bought three 24-packs of bottled water.  This way I have water to brush teeth.  Fortunately I washed my hair last night and should be able to stretch things until the water's back on.  If I really need to pee - I can use a bunch of the bottled water to fill the toilet tank.  Otherwise, there's always Walmart.

In the meantime, I'm curtailing my fluid intake.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Day Late (or Thereabouts)

I'm not sure why I didn't post this sooner - just laziness, I guess.

Last Friday was a lovely day.  I'd heard there was a display of tulips being held at the Botanic Garden as a follow-up to the display of cyclamens (mentioned in an earlier post).  I like tulips so I thought I'd head on down and enjoy the weather.

I got to the Botanic Garden and decided that the first thing I would do is ride the train.  Now, this is not a full-sized train.  This is a smaller version that is designed to chug its way around a route that encompasses parts of the Botanic Garden, Tingley Beach and the zoo.  Here's a photo of the engine:

There are actually 2 different trains, usually heading in opposite directions from each other.  Each train has 4 cars, 2 that are open and 2 that are partly enclosed.  I chose to ride in one of the semi-enclosed cars, here's a photo from the inside looking towards the engine.

It's a pleasant ride, if a little noisy - some banging and clanging as the train rolls along.  It's definitely not some sort of high-speed amusement park ride.  Gauging by the people we encountered along the ride it was faster than a walker, about the same speed as a jogger and slightly slower than someone on a bicycle.  All in all, it takes about an hour to make the full ride, not a bad way to enjoy a lovely spring day.

When I got done with the train ride, I went to see if I could find the tulip display I'd read about.  I discovered nary a tulip bloom in sight.  I'm thinking there may be a display in the near future, but someone gave the wrong dates to the newspaper.

It wasn't a total waste.  There was a magnificently blooming amaryllis.

Plus, here are some photos of some of the local duck population.  First of all, a male wood duck.

I have a fond place in my heart for wood ducks.  For years I entered my needlepoint in the Texas State Fair.  And for years, the best I could do was several second place finishes.  Then, one year I entered 3 items and they ALL won first place ribbons.  One of the entries was a picture of a male wood duck.  Gotta love 'em!

Next we have a male mallard.  He's just coming out of the pond and is giving me a hard look to make sure of the following:  1) that I'm not a dangerous carnivore preying on mallard ducks, and 2) that I don't have any food to share.

I like mallards because they were one of the first ducks I could identify when I was very much younger.

Have a lovely spring!  And love to all the folks trying to survive following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Minor Annoyances

Minor Annoyance #1 - I'm not sure why, but lately somebody has sporadically been stealing my newspapers.  It's not a huge problem, but I don't know what has caused this minor 'spree'.  My personal opinion is that it's some cheapskate who is checking the Powerball results.  That's because it's happened on two successive Mondays and once on a Thursday.  These are the days after the Powerball drawings.  The dumb thing is - the thief doesn't have to steal my paper to find the results.  They could go online and check.  Or they could go to the library and read the free copy of the paper.  Or they could watch the actual live drawing on Sundays and Wednesdays.  In the meantime, I have to go through the annoyance of calling the paper and asking for another copy.  Which means some poor person has to drive out to my house and deliver another paper.  Not to mention the annoyance for the poor carrier who has done their job and then has to pony up the cost of the missing paper.

Minor Annoyance #2 - This morning I got up and walked into the bathroom.  At some point I 'woke up' enough to notice what looked like an odd little shadow on the floor by the vanity.  I looked closer and realized it wasn't a shadow, it was the remains of a damp spot.  Not good.  I thought about giving it a couple of days and seeing if it went any further.  Then it occurred to me that plumbing problems NEVER heal themselves.  They only get worse.  So I called a plumber that I've used in the past with good results.  I was expecting to be worked into their schedule in a day or two.  So I was pleasantly surprised when they said they could get somebody out today.  (Thereby saving me 24 to 48 hours of worrying.)  A nice young man showed up shortly after lunch and started looking around.  At first he couldn't find anything wrong.  The damp spot had mostly dried up and evidence of any other stray water wasn't to be found.  At first.  After looking at all the obvious places, he pulled the grate off the crawl space under the closet that holds my water heater and furnace and crawled on in.  Shortly thereafter, he found the problem.  At one of the points on a T-connection, the seal was beginning to give up the ghost.  There are a couple of possible reasons for this.  One could just be old age.  The other was the freezing of my pipes during February's cold weather.  (They froze but didn't burst.)  I'm thinking that water swells a bit when it freezes.  Maybe the slight swelling inside the pipe was just enough to loosen the seal at the joint.  In any case, the plumber was able to fix the problem and I should now be leak-free.  And the cat got some free entertainment by sneaking into the crawl space when I had my back turned and got to spend about 20 minutes investigating areas he's normally not able to access.

The good news is - since I am (to employ a euphemism) currently between jobs, I was free to meet with the plumber.  No hassles of taking off from work.  No scheduling pressures.  I could just wait for the plumber and keep track of the leak.
