Sunday, October 21, 2012

Well, it certainly has been quite a long time since I last posted.  I have no one specific reason as to why I haven't been blogging for 3+ months.  In any case, I'm back.

For Bosses' Day on October 16th, I got a book for each of my two supervisors.  (Same book for each of them.)  It's an interesting book entitled Scenic New Mexico (by Laurence Parent).  I spotted it in one of my book catalogs.  It was on sale (sweet!).  I also bought a copy for me.

The book contains itineraries for 35 drives through some of the wonderful scenery to be found here in the Land of Enchantment.  There's a route map for each plus historical information and descriptions of what can be seen along each route.

Yesterday (Saturday 10/20) was a lovely autumnal afternoon.  Sunny and not too hot or too cold.  I decided, rather on the spur of the moment, to take Drive #16, San Antonito to Sandia Crest.  All of that is located just east of Albuquerque so was a handy place to start.

Here is a photo taken at the Crest (where it was windy and a bit chilly).  The haze in the distance may be due in part to a controlled burn north of Albuquerque in the Jemez area.  The haze was VERY noticiable on Friday 10/19.

Here are several photos I took on the way back down.  These are the remains of the poplars as they turn their usual bright yellow.

As I came around a curve like this, I saw a family of turkeys crossing the road.  By the time I pulled over and got out my camera, they had disappeared into the underbrush.

Another photo I didn't have time to take was of a directionally-challenged squirrel.  At yet another curve, I spotted a squirrel part way out onto the road.  I slowed way down, since I didn't want to run over him.  At the initial sighting, he was facing east across the road.  When he spotted me, he hesitated then sprang straight up in the air, turning 180 degrees.  He's now facing west.  He hesitated again, then repeated the maneuver, now he's facing east.  Finally, he sprang up one more time and turned in the air, landing facing west.  At that point, he made the decision to run off the road.  I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard.

At the base of the Sandias and just north of San Antonito is the Tinkertown Museum, it's mentioned in my book.  It was started by a couple and uses a bunch of miniatures to recreate a wild West town.  A lot of the miniatures aren't period pieces, including Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.  It's fun and kitschy and I'll talk about it in a later blog.

I've also decided I'm going to take all 35 drives.  Not all at once, of course.  I do have to work, after all.  But, it's a nice goal to have.  I also plan on upgrading my digital camera.  I've got one that is acceptable, but it's older with a slow shutter speed.  Nothing too terribly fancy but something newer.  I want to upgrade my skills as well.


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