Monday, May 27, 2013

Weird and Scary Memorial Day Morning

I normally sleep in on weekends and holidays.  Today is Memorial Day here in the USA so, not surprisingly, I slept in.

I did briefly wake up around 7:00 AM due to an odd and loud noise.  At first I thought it might be a sonic boom or perhaps someone playing with a large firework.  It was not crisp enough to be a sonic boom so I decided to go back to sleep.

Later, I got up and headed out to run errands.  Imagine my surprise to see a LARGE number of emergency streets on the next street over in my subdivision.  Later on I found out that the loud noise I heard was a house blowing UP.  WTH?

Here's a link to a local newscast:

It's good to know the house was not occupied so nobody was injured.  It's also good that none of the neighbors' houses were damaged.

As of about 2:00 PM, there were still fire department folks hanging around making sure the fire was completely out and also doing some research on how the fire started.

In the picture below, you can see some of the remains of the house just to the right of the fire engine.

The news reports said the fire involved some propane tanks inside the house.  They don't know what ignited them. 

This all has me wondering.  The house was allegedly not occupied and all utilities had been turned off.  So why would anyone have propane tanks INSIDE of their house?  I'm just saying - it makes you say HMMMM.


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