Friday, June 26, 2015

The newest member of the family

For 16+ years I lived with Oscar, the cat.  His kidneys were failing and I had to have him put to sleep in December, 2014.

So, I decided to adopt another cat.
There were two reasons - one, I was missing having a cat (not all the time, but quite often).  Two, I've been noticing evidence that I might have a mouse in the house.  Not good.  With that, I decided to head off to a local pet adoption event.

There I found Siwa, a 5 year-old Siamese flame point.  We're still getting to know each other and have been doing a lot of lounging around the house this afternoon.  I'm not entirely reconciled to his name.  I looked it up and it's the name of an oasis in Egypt.  It just sounds a bit twee as a cat's name.

There's stuff I'm still getting used to.  I was startled at his drinking habits.  He's capable of drinking from his water bowl like a regular cat.  However, he also likes to drag his paw through the water and lick the water off it.
He's been kinda stand-offish for most of the afternoon.  I can't say I'm surprised.  One habit that does startle me is when I walk around the house.  He follows me almost like a dog and demands attention.  It's kinda weird because he'll sort of ignore me - until I start walking, then I'm his best buddy.

I'm taking him to the vet tomorrow for a wellness check.  I think he's a bit overweight, but will see what the vet says.


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