Sunday, July 19, 2015

Just Chillin'

OK, I'd say Cesar is settling in nicely.
Just getting his 'relax' on.


Saturday, July 18, 2015

Settling In

Cesar seems to be settling in quite well.  He can still be a tiny bit clingy, but not terribly so.

He really does love his catnip mice.  He especially likes stalking them underneath the dining table and in and out of the chair legs.  Here he is - taking a short break before 'killing' another (catnip) mouse.
He's not a good photo subject.  He'll strike a pose.  As I'm getting my camera set to take a picture, he'll move around.  Or, while I was taking a series of photos of him on the floor with the mouse, he got curious about the noise and got up on the arm of the chair.

So I decided to help him take some selfies.
Ever so slightly cross-eyed, but they do go nicely with his collar.
Looking a bit regal.

I'm so glad he's settling in.  He was so sad the first week and a half.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Progress is being made

Cesar seems to be loosening up.  Example:  for the first week the only sounds I heard from him were a couple of sad-sounding meows on the way home.  After that, he was silent.  For a Siamese, this is not normal.

Almost exactly a week after I brought him home, he gave me two soft, small meows.  Since then, he's not a 'talker' but he does meow, especially in greeting me when I get home from work.

Also, for the past week and a half, he's showed NO interest in toys of any kind.  Catnip mice, whiffle balls, nothing seemed to interest him.  Imagine my surprise and pleasure tonight when I noticed he was actually playing with the scratching box.  I'd bought a flat cat-scratcher that has openings so cats can bat at the balls inside.  He used it as a scratching device until tonight, when he began poking his paws into the openings.

Then, he started batting around the catnip mice.  And having a great, good time doing so.  I was at the computer when he jumped up on my desk and dumped a mouse (catnip) in my lap.  I threw it.  He attacked it and then brought it to me.  I threw it.  He attacked it and brought it to me.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Being a cat, this was only for a few reps, but my new cat fetches!

Quite a change from the traumatized, quiet cat I brought home a week and a half ago.



Thursday, July 2, 2015

More Cesar

Cesar's eye is doing better.  He's NOT enthusiastic about the eye drops, but they definitely are doing what they're supposed to.  He's still sneezing.  In the paperwork I got when I adopted him, they mention the possibility of cats being adopted from the pound having Upper Respiratory Infection.  It can take anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks to clear up so I'm not worried about the continuing sneezing.

Some things I've noticed.  He's a flame point Siamese yet is almost entirely quiet.  Siamese aren't just talkers, they're TALKERS.  Shoot, I've had two orange tabbies who were chattier than Cesar.  He may start talking more as he gets more used to being here.  He may not.  We'll see.

He's also still a MESSY drinker.  He doesn't drink like a normal cat (perhaps due to his URI?).  Instead he rakes his paw through the bowl  & then licks the water off his paw.  In the process he gets water all over the floor.  I had a newspaper down to absorb the water.  It did OK, but wasn't quite right.  So, I ordered a Soggy Doggy Slopmat.  Really.  That's its name.  Oddly, I read about it in a newspaper insert about the time I adopted Cesar.  After all the water on the floor, I decided to give it a try.  Hopefully, it will absorb all of the mess.

So far, Cesar does not seem to be a cuddler.  My three previous cats were all big fans of sitting on my lap.  Not the best scenario in the middle of summer, but a plus in winter.  Not Cesar.  He likes being close to me, having me in his line of sight.  He does occasionally lounge on my lap when I'm in the recliner.  However, he seems to prefer the chaise to my lap.  As you can see here:

Propped up against the pillows.  If you're a cat, does it get any better than this?  Since you asked, yes, my cats do live a good life.
