Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not Everyone Dislikes the Snow

Yesterday I ranted about how I'm not the world's biggest fan of snow.  This feeling obviously does not apply to everyone and that includes some of the area's critters.

I have a large fir tree in my front yard.  Several years ago I noticed that one or more of the local rabbits likes to hang out at the base of the trunk of said tree.  To a certain extent, it makes sense.  With its butt up against the trunk, the rabbit is fairly safe from larger predators sneaking up on it from behind.  This is bolstered by the branches around the base of the tree.  The possibility of being stabbed in the face by a branch deters coyotes, et. al. from just rushing in.  On the other hand, the branches aren't packed too close so as to hinder the rabbit's field of vision.  (Note:  I don't know if it's always the same rabbit I see or if a number of rabbits have figured out the niceness of napping under my tree.)

After all my anti-snow rantings, I was surprised to walk out around mid-morning and see the rabbit snuggled under the tree.  Here's a wide shot of the rabbit - he's the small mound of brown fur at the base of the trunk.

Here's more of a close-up. 

I was hoping to get a shot from an angle that didn't have a branch across him/her.  But Rabbit was camera-shy (or people-shy) and hopped off after just a couple of shots.

I'm not sure why Rabbit wasn't freezing its butt off sitting directly on the snow.  But it seems to like where it's at because its been there for several hours.

To each, their own.

Papillon (who's staying inside and out of the snow)

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