Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Started

"All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed."

This is a quote by Sean O'Casey, an Irish dramatist (1880-1964) which sums up how I feel a great deal of the time. It also explains the name of my brand-new blog.

I was hoping to have a genuinely witty first post showing a great deal of intelligence and full of bon mots. It looks like that's gone by the wayside since I'm feeling a great deal of brain fade at the moment. I even wrote a list of possible topics to write about. However, I wrote a number of them in such haste that I either cannot read my handwriting or what I did write legibly now makes no sense. (I plan on correcting this in the future!)

One that is legible & makes sense concerns what I call 'CNN Brain'. That's when I appear to be acting normally & politely while a CNN-style crawl moves across the bottom of my brain commenting on how I really feel and think about the particular situation.

Example: the other day I was at Michael's, the ubiquitous craft store found in so very many places in the USA. I was in line behind a man who paid for one (count 'em, one) roll of zebra-patterned duct tape with a $100 bill. The roll cost less than $5.00 (USD). I said nothing to the man. After he walked away, I made a joking comment to the cashier.

However, in my head the crawl is saying things like - 'Are you KIDDING me? Who pays for one roll of duct tape (no matter how fancy) with a frigging $100 bill? Does this place LOOK like a bank? Go to the bank & get some change!' (On a practical note, I do realize that there may be a very valid reason why the man had not gone to the bank. Things like, oh, the bill is counterfeit & it's easier to slip a fake bill by someone earning minimum wage at Michael's than at the bank.)

That's all I've got for now. I do aspire to write great things in the future. Or funny things, whichever comes first. If I could write funny, intelligent things like the late, great Molly Ivins, then I'll be one very happy camper.

Bon soir!

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