Thursday, June 10, 2010

Things I Wonder About

"The cure for boredom is curiosity.  There is no cure for curiosity."  Attributed to Dorothy Parker
There are any number of things that I wonder about.  Among those things:

- Why do people name their kids totally weird names?  The one that always pops into my mind is the contestant on 'Wheel of Fortune' several years ago.  She was a very pleasant woman who had the unfortunate name of Vendetta.  Why would her parents name her something that means a blood feud?

Then there was the man (I forget where I saw this) whose first name is Finis.  Finis means conclusion.  I always wonder if he was the final child in a family with lots of children.

Or there are the parents who name their children after the months in which they were born - June is born in June and April in April.

The ultimate in lazy parents are those who can't even come up with an original first name & you end up with children named William Williams.  (One of the detectives in a series of mysteries by Ed McBain who was named Meyer Meyer.)

On a different topic - I was channel surfing one morning & happened across the Maury Povich show.  If these young people are our future, we are doomed.

The show I ran across was one of those where they are trying to determine paternity for a series of children who really drew the losing ticket in the parent lottery - at least as far as the behavior of parents while on the show demonstrated.  Lots of screaming & yelling & hurling insults back & forth.

My question is - if these people are the jerks & losers & whores & whatever other insult they use, why are they doing the one thing that is guaranteed to keep the jerk/loser/whore in their life FOREVER?  Having a child together isn't a short-term thing.  That connection will last until the end of lives of all concerned.

I don't feel sorry for the (alleged) adults on the shows.  I always feel sorry for the children.

Oh, another thing - if you're going to cheat on your spouse with a member of their family, why aren't you using absolutely bulletproof birth control (pun intended)?  It's really hard to say you're not cheating if there's a pregnancy proving the lie is, well, a lie.

Which leads me to one final wondering - where has all the commonsense & civility gone?


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