Friday, June 11, 2010

A Wedding Slacker - C'est Moi!

In this traditional month for weddings (June), I have to admit I just don't get it when it comes to weddings.  I understand marriage, just not the whole 'princess for a day' wedding schtick.

Things I don't understand about current weddings:
- the whole white dress thing.  Of course, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm a jeans & shirt kind of girl.
- bridal parties that are larger than the D-day invasion force.
- receptions that cost more than the GNP of many small nations.
- brides who go postal because they perceive an error & therefore their day isn't 'perfect' & they feel justified in throwing a temper tantrum.

I especially don't understand women who say they've been planning their 'perfect' wedding for their whole lives.


That always causes my head to explode.  How can you spend your whole life planning ONE DAY?!  It's interesting because they never say they've been planning how to have a perfect marriage.  Only a perfect wedding DAY.  Royalty are crowned in ceremonies that are planned in less time & these ceremonies affect entire countries.  I must admit - in some respects I pity these women.  If their imaginings for their lives are so wrapped up in the planning of one day in their life - what a limited imagination they must have.  There are so very many things you could imagine happening in your life, why are you limiting yourself to just one day and one event?

A short pause while my mind boggles.


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